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Dental Implants Specialist

Maryland Smile Center

Aesthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry located in Columbia, MD

Dental implants entirely replace a missing tooth from the root all the way to the crown. Because dental implants are durable, long lasting, and natural looking, Maryland Smile Center provides complete dental implant procedures right in the office. You can book your dental implant consultation online, or you can call this Columbia dental practice directly to schedule a visit.

Dental Implants Q & A

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Modern dental implants are highly functional and are often considered the “gold standard” for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants are beneficial because they:

  • Look and feel like natural teeth 
  • Prevent gum and bone tissue loss
  • Help you bite and chew normally 
  • Are just as durable as (or stronger than) natural teeth
  • Keep your teeth in proper alignment (no shifting)

Dental implants can also result in improved speech. If you have slurring or other speech issues because of missing teeth or dentures, for instance, dental implants can resolve these issues and help you speak more clearly. 

How long does a dental implant take to heal?

Modern dental implant surgeries are much less invasive than in prior years. Maryland Smile Center specializes in guided implant surgery, where your dentist uses a cone beam to scan the area to design a digital model tooth. This streamlines the surgical procedure and minimizes damage to delicate tissue. 

After your oral surgery at Maryland Smile Center, your dentist counsels you about how to keep your implant site clean. It’s important to follow your postoperative instructions to minimize your risk of infection and to promote healing. 

Your dental implant can take at least 6-12 weeks to heal, depending on how quickly you recover from oral surgery. Once your implant site is strong enough to support a crown, your dentist has you come in for a follow-up visit to attach the abutment (anchor post) and permanent crown. 

How do I care for a dental implant?

You care for your dental implant just as you would your natural teeth. It’s important to brush twice a day and floss once a day. 

While your dental implant is made of titanium and porcelain and can’t decay, surrounding supportive tissues can still break down. Because of this, it’s important to stay ahead of gum disease and other oral health issues by coming in to Maryland Smile Center every six months for a thorough cleaning, exam, and new X-rays (if needed). 

Maryland Smile Center provides in-office dental implants, so you can get all of your dental care under one roof. Click on the online scheduler or call to book a visit over the phone.