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Teeth Whitening Specialist

Maryland Smile Center

Aesthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry located in Columbia, MD

KöR® Whitening is the most advanced professional teeth whitening system available and has helped countless men and women achieve their smile goals. If you’d like to get rid of unsightly discoloration and brighten your smile, book a KöR Whitening session at Maryland Smile Center today. Click on the online booking feature or call this Columbia dental practice directly to schedule a visit.

Teeth Whitening Q & A

How does teeth whitening work?

KöR Whitening is a same-day cosmetic dentistry treatment that enhances the natural beauty of your smile in just minutes. Unlike over-the-counter whitening treatments, KöR Whitening fully floods pigments and stain molecules with clinical-grade bleaching agents.

This procedure forces discolored spots to break down into tiny, colorless particles. The end result? A dramatically whiter and more beautiful smile. In fact, a single KöR Whitening session can achieve six or more hours of ongoing whitening in as little as 25-35 minutes. 

What can I expect during a teeth whitening treatment?

The cosmetic dental specialists at Maryland Smile Center provide personalized KöR Whitening treatments that you can easily complete during your lunch hour. During your session, your dentist has you lie back comfortably in the dental chair.

They insert a retractor into your mouth, which keeps your cheeks and lips separated from your teeth. The next step involves brushing on the proprietary KöR Whitening gel tooth by tooth. 

Once your dentist treats each tooth, you get to sit back and relax. You can read a book, listen to music, or even take a nap. Your dentist checks your teeth regularly to evaluate their level of whiteness. They apply additional whitening gel if needed. In most cases, treatments take about half an hour. 

How can I help my teeth whitening treatment last longer?

After your KöR Whitening treatment from Maryland Smile Center is complete, your dentist has you brush and rinse. They sit and talk with you about what you need to do to help your teeth stay brighter and whiter for as long as possible. To minimize surface stains, it’s helpful to avoid:

  • Coffee or tea
  • Red wine
  • Berries 
  • Colas

While professional KöR Whitening treatments can result in dramatically whiter teeth for years with proper care, your dentist at Maryland Smile Center may recommend home kits to use between treatments. Clinical-grade home whitening kits can minimize staining issues and enhance your professional treatment. 

You can whiten your smile in a single office visit at Maryland Smile Center. Book your professional teeth whitening treatment through the website or call to schedule by phone today.